Friday, July 22, 2011

Carefree day today

Hey all, Andrea here!

It was hot again today... I was going to go to the beach, but I had a small headache from the heat and I decided just to stay home and enjoy a quiet day relaxing.

I watched a little TV while playing a little Everquest II (for those who don't know, it is a mmorpg like world of warcraft.)

I play a half human, half demon/vampire character. Its a fun game.

This is my character, Andrieha

And this is my character Andrieha baring her fangs during a battle. (click the pic to see a larger version. Much cooler full size.)


I ride in style on my enchanted tiger horse.  =^_^=

Playing video games is not all I did today. I also decided to shine up a few of my newest agates that I found when at the beach... like this one:

And I caught up on some reading.

I read my Black Butler Manga to the most current chapters

Black Butler is a pretty cool Manga.

I finished "Alice in the Country of Hearts". it was a pretty good manga... but I was shocked it was actually over. It was very confusing because the mangaka left so much unanswered an unexplained.

There was a message board dedicated to talking about Alice in the Country of Hearts, and a LOT of people seemed as confused as I did. If I were the mangaka, the last thing I would want to hear when a series is over, is that everyone was left confused, so that was a bit disappointing. The series had so much potential and had such an amazing start... it should have ran for a few more chapters to tie everything together neatly. However, it was still a good series. Confusing in the end, but good. I mean, you get the general idea of where the story was going... it just didn't get there as nicely as it could have had it ran longer. Still worth reading.

And I caught up on BLEACH. (The manga, not the cleaner)

*Spoiler alert* (since most of my friends read manga and watch anime. lol - us nerds stick together. hee hee)

I was pretty surprised Gin Ichimaru ended up not being a bad guy. Seriously, I thought the twist would be he would betray Aizen to rise to power himself, but instead it was all a ploy to kill Aizen and avenge what Aizen did to his true friend and the one person he truly cared about, Matsumoto Rangiku. (When they were children, he saved Rangiku from death at the hands of Aizen and his minions, and everything he did, his cold demeanor, his betrayal of the soul society, it was all to get close enough to Aizen to enact his revenge so Rangiku would hever have to cry again.)

So that was a pretty cool twist.

After reading the most recent chapters of BLEACH I decided to read a little of "Pride and Prejudice" (my third favorite book. Samurai Banners of Furin Kazan being first, and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies being 2nd. lol)

So all in all, it was a relaxing day. Nothing too exciting happened.

one funny thing though, I was reading the paper, and every day they have a police blotter. Basically, it tells you who got arrested, who got in a car accident, who filed a complaint against who, so on. (On the average basis, its usually deer hitting cars, DUIs, kids smoking pot, or people getting arrested for driving on a suspended license. Sometimes the occasional dog complaint... Nothing big really happens here.) Usually if something bigger than a kid knocking over a mailbox happens, its front page news. lol.

Today though, there was one cute animal complaint in the blotter.

"Mrs. ***** of *** street, called in a complaint against one Mr. Black Bear for trespassing on her property and disturbing a bird feeder. Mr. Bear, whose last known address was listed as The deep woods, had fled the scene prior to police arriving. Mrs. ***** was advised to remove the bird feeders for the time being and contact the police if Mr. Bear was caught trespassing again."

That gave me the giggles. Someone writing the police blotter that day was bored. hee hee

anyhoo... that's it for now. I have a lot to do tomorrow.  I have my brother, sis-in-law and nephew coming to visit Tuesday, and when they leave my other bro, sis-in-law and nephew (and dog) are coming to visit. Then I have an art show I'm entering, followed by a county fair I'm entering stuff in and I have to get that all prepared. I'm a bit late getting my butt moving for the art show next week. I don't want to be last minute for the county fair since I'm entering more stuff.

So lots of work tomorrow.

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