Friday, December 24, 2010



My Christmas Eve was pretty cool.

Decorated house?


Presents under the tree?


Christmas Eclair made and ready to serve?


Me looking adorable?

Check and Check!

Christmas Eve was fun. My brother, his wife, their puppy and my baby nephew came to visit. My other brother, his wife and baby were suppose to come as well... but first my brother came down with a bug, which passed to my other baby nephew, which passed to my sister-in-law. So instead of risking spreading it to everyone else... we just teleconferenced online.

It was a bummer they couldn't come, but it was cool to at least be able to talk to them and see my other nephew. on the plus side, they've recovered from their bug. And by the time they come up at the end of January, they'll be over the contagious stage of the bug.

Our tradition is to open our gifts on Christmas Eve... so that's what we did tonight. my mom desperately needed a new laptop, so that's what me and my brothers bought her. the brother that was able to make it up is big into Ghost hunting, so I bought him the official K-II meter used by professional ghost hunters in investigations... plus a book written by the hosts of the Syfy show "Ghost Hunters".

My sister-in-law got an imported Japanese Black Pearl necklace from me. She really liked it so I was happy.

I bought my nephew a slide and a twilight turtle... I bought the exact same thing for my other nephew, but he won't get them until my brother heads home taking my other brother's family's gifts home with him. I bought myself a twilight ladybug because they are so totally cute! lol

I got the very gift I wanted from my brothers and my mom...

Man I can't wait to get out and try this camera! I'm so excited. My brother's wife also saw this and thought of me. It's too cute. I've named him Ken-ichi

Of course the puppies weren't forgotten. I bought Dojo and Yoshi toys and my brother and his wife bought them cookies.

I bought my brother's dog a bunch of chews. After presents I had a dancing contest with my baby nephew (who just learned to walk)

naturally, my nephew won. Lol

It was a very nice Christmas Eve. My brother fell asleep watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, and the rest of us also turned in early because we have church tomorrow at 10am.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas! Talk to you soon!

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